Following projects in real time, from scratch to invoicing.

Efficient sales process from lead to rewarding customership.

All the metrics of business in the same platform.
Nidos free
User experience is the key element when designing services. We solve any issue related to service design, whatever the problem is.
Import and export contacts & data
My Personal Dashboard
Personalized reports
Contact manager
Contact importer and exporter
Contact groups and registries
Shared calendars
Connect with Google calendar and contacts
Document management
Sales project (from leads to customers)
Product catalog
Invoicing – export PDF
€ / month
What others are saying
“Finally a service where I can handle customer data, project follow-up, and invoice in the same place.”
“Before I had the invoicing in a totally different program. Now I’m able to see the wholeness of a project in one look.”
“I’m able to create groups and send emails to our customers and tell them about updates and tips on how to use our service.”

Test Nidos and manage all your customer data in one place.
Choose what you want to see and manage your workday in a more simple and easy way.